Do you have the PLATFORMS to advance your digital transformation strategy?

At the fundamental level, digital transformation builds on three foundations - Vision, Knowledge, Processes, and Platforms.

The number one priority for most companies is to generate sales leads. To succeed with your leadgen marketing and business growth, you need platforms that can accomplish both lead generation and lead nurturing. Platforms that provide both outbound (e.g. social media marketing) and inbound capabilities, while at the same time provide in-depth analytics tools that lets you follow and understand how your leads interact with your website and other marketing channels.

Platforms that facilitate the implementation of your lead generation strategies, instead of being too cumbersome, money-draining and time consuming to run your business on.

Platforms that, with the correct setup, nurtures your leads into potential hot leads for your sales department to follow-up.

How to generate business leads

You get a lead when you have managed to be visible at the buyers’ Zero moment of truth, meaning that your product or service caught the attention of the potential buyer at the right time, in the right place.

There’s no silver bullet that solves how to be visible at the right time, in the right place, but there’s certainly platforms that in combination increase the chances of your marketing generating a business lead. 

A real-world example

Let's assume that you want to generate leads by using AI boosted banner advertisement in combination with your website and social media retargeting strategy. Will your digital platform, the back-bone of your website, support you in that type of leadgen?

  • Assuming your AI boosted banner ads drive traffic to your website, do you have enough data and capabilities to analyze, optimize and generate that lead conversion?

  • Do your employees understand how to operate the platforms you use today at maximum capabilities, getting the full value back from your investment in time, energy and budget allocation?

  • Would you be able to segment your business leads into cold or hot leads based on how they interacted with your website, and build campaigns targeting specific segments, nurturing them into paying customers. And all that from one dashboard?

  • Truth be told - do you really use the platform you want to use in order to maximize your leadgen?

We are not here to sell you a new platform, but instead here to give you the tool to assess your organization's view on your tech stack in order to have fruitful discussions in your leadership team.

The Digital Maturity Barometer will support that discussion - informing you of weak spots.

Perhaps the IT department is satisfied with current solutions, while the marketing department doesn't understand how to use them.

Maybe the sales and marketing department are misaligned in regards to what a hot lead really is, without a common platform to support alignment and improve collaboration.

The survey will help you identify and analyze the gaps in your lead generation marketing and give you the possibility to make smart decisions based on smart data.

And who wouldn't want that?