Do you have the PROCESSES to be successful with your digital transformation strategy?

At the fundamental level, digital transformation success builds on four foundations - Vision, Knowledge, Processes, and Platforms.

Having efficient processes in place is a fundamental part of digital transformation success. Marketing has become more versatile and complex, and no matter what industry you belong to, you will need to have a solid digital marketing strategy in place covering multiple channels - something often referred to as Multichannel marketing.

Multichannel Marketing

There’s nothing new with Multichannel Marketing, companies have been using that strategy for decades using channels such as postal mailing and print and billboard ads. Today, digital channels such as webinars and social media have joined the mix making marketing increasingly complex. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to send out a unified message across all relevant channels to impact the market with optimal proficiency. 

A real-world example

Let's assume that you want to create and implement a successful multichannel marketing strategy using your website as the main marketing hub, in combination with webinars and emails. Would you know how to craft a single successful strategy utilizing those three channels? More importantly, would your organization know how to work according to set internal processes to maximize impact?

  • Would you know the tweaks needed to benefit from your potential customers' touch points on your website?

  • Will your organization be able to seize all opportunities before, during and after the webinar? And how about optimizing life-time value?

  • Do you feel certain that your organization has efficient processes in place to market your products and services via email marketing?

  • Will you know if the customer gets a positive and consistent experience during all channels?

If not, there's always agencies and freelancers for hire to create and implement a strategy for you. But, the fact remains.

If you don’t have the right processes in place it will be costly, your initiatives money-draining and your customers won’t get the remarkable experience you want to give them.

Having efficient processes in place is a fundamental part of digital transformation success. You need a deep understanding of what constitutes a successful digital strategy to succeed, and knowledge and courage to change your processes for the better!

Here is where The Digital Maturity Barometer comes in - it will highlight, on a by department level, where there’s room for improvement and capture impactful initiatives. Information that guides you to make smart decisions based on smart data.

And who wouldn't want that?