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Do you know how to take your digital marketing to the next level?

As the world becomes more digitalized, many companies realize that they have to increase their investments in digital marketing. But how do you know if you are on the right track? 

If you are working in a marketing function, it is not always clear what to focus on. Should you invest in online advertising? In that case, what kind of advertising? Which channels should you use? Do you have enough data to support your decisions? Perhaps most importantly, does your organization as a whole have sufficient knowledge of digital marketing? 

The Digital Maturity Barometer helps you find out and make smart decisions based on smart data.

Learn more: The different steps working with the Digital Maturity Barometer

The Digital Maturity Barometer provides you with the data needed to develop a robust and efficient digital transformation strategy for your marketing function. The survey will give you a precise overview of your company’s current digital maturity level, and show you where your digitalization efforts will pay off the most.

Evaluating the digital maturity level

In a broader perspective, the Digital Maturity Barometer evaluates three areas – knowledge, processes, and platforms. If your employees do not have the right knowledge, you will not succeed no matter how state-of-the art digital platforms you have. If you do not have efficient processes in place, your digital marketing activities will not fulfill their business-building potential, even if you have people with the right knowledge. And so on.


Knowledge about digital marketing – multichannel marketing, Inbound Marketing, social media, and so forth – among your employees is one of the most important prerequisites for your digital transformation strategy to succeed.


Having efficient processes in place is a fundamental part of digital transformation. Marketing has become more complex and no matter what industry you belong to, you will need to have a multichannel marketing approach.


On top of the agenda for many companies is to generate leads. To be able to work with leads generation you need the right platforms, so that you can follow your leads and how they interact with your website and other channels to finally make a purchase or contact you. 

What IT IS

What is the Digital Maturity Barometer?

The Digital Maturity Barometer is a survey that evaluates the current digital maturity level of your company with specific questions per department, such as sales, marketing, HR, IT and compliance. The Digital Maturity Barometer provides you with the data you need to develop a robust and efficient digital transformation strategy. Take the guesswork out of your digital communication efforts and start working with data!


Who will benefit from the Digital Maturity Barometer?

Any company with 60 employees or more, that want to use data to optimize its digital marketing strategy, will benefit from using the Digital Maturity Barometer. 

By taking the survey, you set a benchmark from which you will take decisions to improve. Six to twelve months later, you re-take the survey to continuously monitor your progress and evaluate your investments in digital platforms, processes, and people. 

The survey was first intended for the pharmaceutical and Life Science industries, but can now be used by companies in any industry.

how does it work

The Digital maturity barometer process

Your employees will get a link to the survey. The survey is anonymous. Some questions will be the same for all employees whereas some questions will be for sales, marketing, IT, regulatory etc. only (you have the ability to adapt the survey according to your needs).

WHO is

Who has developed the Digital Maturity Barometer?

The Digital Maturity Barometer has been developed by Fredrik Holmboe, Senior Digital Strategist, who has worked with companies such as Galderma, Bayer, Biogen and partners to Microsoft, in collaboration with various senior specialists in fields such as sales, digital, HR, management, IT and compliance.

Learn more about Fredrik on his LinkedIn page

A talented and highly knowledgeable leader in multichannel customer engagement, Fredrik is an asset to any organisation lucky enough to hire him. Expect a can-do attitude... read more

Chris Mann

Head of Commercial Excellence, UK & Ireland

I worked as a global counterpart to Fredrik, generally interacting with him in strategic brand discussions. I was impressed with his thoughtful consideration and analysis... read more

Becky Bailey Bristol

VP, Head of North America Sales & Mktng

Fredriks strongest competence are within digital communication and marketing. He has significantly increased our internal competency within this area and has been key in leading digital projects... read more

Thomas Wallman

General Manager, Sanofi Genzyme Sweden


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